Do you find that I get into funks when I don't post for ages and then post one after another for a week! LOL Well here I am again with another thought prompted by a conversation I was having with another friend. (The other friend mentioned in the Those Kids o' Mine! post) This time the conversation was via phone. It was more like she was trying to convince me of something and it got me thinking. I'll tell you basis behind the idea for this post. Being in college we are expected to be mature (*snigger*) and intellectual (*laugh*) adults, which therefore means we should be able to conduct intelligent and interesting conversations, right? Fair enough. But I don't think I'm all that intelligent, and if you were to base it on the amount of misspellings underlined with red squiggles as I type, then you would also agree.
But my problem becomes more evident, for me, when my friends start having intelligent conversations amongst themselves. Generally I sit there, smiling and nodding, pretending that I understand by humming and adding a quick "I know what you mean," here and there. However, 90% of the time I have no idea what's going on. The more they talk the less I understand what they are saying, and that makes me feel stupid.
But not only that, it's when I get dirty looks from people when I tell them politics baffles me and I have no interest in it. Especially when it comes to needing to vote and I say "Nope, not even registered!" I get death stares!! But it's not my fault I could care less about rubbish that I have absolutely no comprehension of!! It's the same when I tell people I don't read the newspaper of watch the news!! I'm not stupid! I'm just NOT INTERESTED!
But getting back to the topic at hand. I was talking to my friend and she was insisting that I was smart and made the above remarks to try to convince me and she sort of did. She told me that the conversations I have are classed as intelligent because I'm knowledgeable of what I'm talking about. But to me I don't think it counts.
So basically what I'm asking is: What do you consider an intelligent conversation?
I'm curious :)
Happy Blogging!
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