Thursday, July 1, 2010

Those Kids o' Mine!

When you have kids your directions in life change. You notice the little things they do. The banter and arguments are cute and very entertaining -the things kids say are just ADORABLE! Their laughing faces and little child like innocence just makes the sun shine on my day and brightens the world around me. I can't tell you how many pictures of them I have doing the cutest of things, they are just "pinch them on the cheek I want to eat you up with a spoon" cute!.......EH! SCRATCH THAT! 

Sorry I can't do this....All that before, complete rubbish! Kids? Oh yeah I have two kids...and yeah I'm 18. The age of my kids you ask...?? They are both 19 entire years old.

....I hear you wondering how this is possible. Don't lie, I can read minds, I know what you're thinking.   I can explain all this very simply and clearly. Two of my best friends are basically 5 year olds wrapped in the bodies of 19 year olds. Now you may be thinking 'Pfff! That my dear is over-exaggemerating'

EXCUSE ME SIR! But this is the utmost of truth that is being henceforth spewed from my talk hole!

But I honestly kid you not! There have been many times where I have had stop them on the street and hiss "Don't make me turn this car around!" Now albeit the car was metaphorical and they continued to argue nonetheless but my point was made I feel.

Yes, I am the mother of my little group. I cook and clean and just mother them in general, and I will be honest 100%. I love it. As one of my friends hid under the kitchen table with a small cardboard box on his back insisting he was a snail I could not stop laughing. 

Now I sense you still don't believe me, well my skeptical friends I shall show you photographic evidence.

Oh apologies, that was from my trip to the zoo! (teehee)

There we go! That's better! That's (mommy) me on the right =)

So there, my friends do exist! Told you so....Jeez! But yes, they are great even if I can't leave them alone for five minutes or else they are ripping at each other like two five year olds.  It's really as if I gotta sit down and say: "Don't look at him like that!" while my friend shall whine about  how "HE STARTED IT!"

But alas I love them both!
(as I do with all my friends, but here I am specifically speaking about "my kids")

Now to explain that nonsense at the beginning of this blog. I'm sorry many hundreds of families that are obsessed with showing how your baby looked at that strange potato shaped cloud the other day. I care not I tell you! I CARE NOT!! The amount I care is equal to the amount you know about the Japanese economy in 6000 BC (unless you are a very elderly Japanese person/ Babs-chan/ have a degree in such a topic)

But keep yo baby pics, for yo self and yo family. Not the interwebz. That is all.

It was extremely nice chatting to you today, but I am afraid I must leave for there is a Super Mario Galaxy 2 happy induced coma awaiting me. I bid you adieu.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Mama Sim! I remember that glorius day when I disembarked from your womb to enter this beautiful planet Mars. One day when your hair grows grey and you get the crippling rheumathism I'll ship ya off to the best nursing home moneygall has to offer. but until that day go fix my a sandwich *clap clap*
