Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Art of Intelligent Conversation

Hey guys!

Do you find that I get into funks when I don't post for ages and then post one after another for a week! LOL Well here I am again with another thought prompted by a conversation I was having with another friend. (The other friend mentioned in the Those Kids o' Mine! post) This time the conversation was via phone. It was more like she was trying to convince me of something and it got me thinking. I'll tell you basis behind the idea for this post. Being in college we are expected to be mature (*snigger*) and intellectual (*laugh*) adults, which therefore means we should be able to conduct intelligent and interesting conversations, right? Fair enough. But I don't think I'm all that intelligent, and if you were to base it on the amount of misspellings underlined with red squiggles as I type, then you would also agree.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Queen of the World

Hello ye who dare pass!

I haven't posted for forever but I have a topic that aroused my interest and decided to share it with you. Now, I will admit "you" is like...1 person, but!! I believe that this one person should know of this topic! LOL! This whole topic came up when I was chatting with a friend on MSN. This friend, one of those spoken about in the Those Kids o' Mine! post, is super random (in the best way) and likes to come up with just strange things to ask me out of the blue. For example, as I was talking to him the other day he asked how I felt about frogs.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Original or Knock Off - What do you prefer??

Hi guys! 

Today I've decided I'm going to talk a little about some very amusing YouTube videos/celebrities. Before I do this though I'm just going to complain for a second. (If you know me IRL you wouldn't be surprised that complaining is something that I like to do. And obviously because I like it, it happens very often. But don't take it to harshly, it's quite entertaining I've been told. =] ) Ok, so my complaint is about adding videos to a blog. It's ridiculously difficult! Not the process itself but for someone as OCD-ish as me, it's fairly frustrating!! O.o Like...GRRRR I'm a dinosaur that's gonna eat choo...frustrating! Pff!! Tsk!

Now to continue on my blogging journey. Where was I? Oh yes, YouTube personalities. Now, I'm sure all of you have subscriptions to YouTube channels that entertain, amuse and inform you etc, etc.! I'm no different. This is also a phenomena that I participate in. Lol But lately I've been more obsessed with finding really good musical artists. Either they do an amazing cover of a song that is already out, or they are just pure musical comedy geniuses in their own right!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

From Book to Big Screen....I dunno???

'K guys, today we're gonna talk about one of life's greatest and unanswered questions. Should the rights for books be purchased by those big wigs in Hollywood and turned into movies?? There are many of you out there who will read that and shout " HELL YEAH" and I will look at you and scream "ROBERT PATTINSON IS UGLY YOU IDIOT!!" and then there will be those who will shake their heads and sigh mouthing a silent "No." 

Now we probably all have read a book that was hyped up so much that someone decided, "Hey that should be a movie!" Books like "Holes", "Harry Potter", "Eragon", "The Darren Shan Saga" and yes, unfortunately, even "The Twilight Saga".  These books were written with the intention of being something that grabs the imagination and hearts of the people who pick them up and flick through their pages. That's what I figure a book is at least. When it comes to a novel, you decide what the characters look like. Well, in most cases at least. Of course the author will add their own inspiration as they describe the character with, for example, "auburn hair and golden eyes", or even "small and nerdy with big round glasses and a lightning scar on his forehead", but what that character really looks like is, for the most part, up to you. When adding a face to the character you can either ruin it, or bring it to life. Ruining a character is highly visible with Edward and his actor (*makes gagging noises*) compared to Daniel Radcliffe who brings Harry Potter to life.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Trip Over Your Tongue Much?

Ever find it really difficult to string a sentence together and end up just randomly spitting at people? I do...but that's just because sometimes my brain forgets the concept of living. Most of the time some sounds just can't be said together or else your head gets sad. Ok, this nonsense of assonance where saying the say consonant sound over and over makes the writing flow better or other literature nonsensical things of that matter has brought about one good thing. Yes, one of the few small joys in life. Not many of you will like these little buggers as at the best of times they do trip us up, but I find them just happy inducing! Now at this stage in amongst the random jumble of words that I have strung together you are probably wondering what I am talking about....except you the Oh so smart people who have probably already caught on -and to those who have I salute you!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Those Kids o' Mine!

When you have kids your directions in life change. You notice the little things they do. The banter and arguments are cute and very entertaining -the things kids say are just ADORABLE! Their laughing faces and little child like innocence just makes the sun shine on my day and brightens the world around me. I can't tell you how many pictures of them I have doing the cutest of things, they are just "pinch them on the cheek I want to eat you up with a spoon" cute!.......EH! SCRATCH THAT! 

Sorry I can't do this....All that before, complete rubbish! Kids? Oh yeah I have two kids...and yeah I'm 18. The age of my kids you ask...?? They are both 19 entire years old.